TopLeft CEO on PSAImpact podcast
TopLeft CEO Wim Kerkhoff was recently a guest on the podcast PSAImpact. Hosted by Chris Timm and Rayanne Buchianico, the series is PSA independent and helps MSPs worldwide get the most from their PSA tool.
Wim talked about Kanban and how it can transform workflows in a PSA- replacing chaotic, inefficient and opaque processes with smooth, fast, and visible processes. Get the episode at
Wim explained how Kanban drives business improvement: “Once you see what’s going on and what the bottlenecks are and what’s falling through the cracks, then you can start to make small changes in that process. The idea is it’s not top down- the people in the management team telling the rest of the team what to do- but enabling the people doing the work to say- if we make a change or stop this step or add this step, it will improve the quality and get work done quicker.”
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