a year ago
New Operations Contacts and Options
We know you and your team depend on TopLeft and need it to be reliable. So we've introduced two new things to help in this regard:
- Stable release channel for those who prefer more stable features rather than the newest features as early as possible. Customers on this channel will receive updates every couple of weeks rather than as soon as a feature is available. To use this channel, email us at help@topleft.team.
- Incident reporting system that pages an on-call engineer for operational problems, 24x7, whether detected automatically or by a customer report. You can report an operational problem at https://incident.topleft.team/. For example, there could be error responses, timeouts, or significantly delayed data sync that doesn't trigger our monitoring. If you observe this and there's not already an incident reported at https://status.topleft.team/, feel free to submit an incident.
Please do not use this for technical support (i.e. system setup, usage questions, 2FA resets, bug reports)- for support, continue to message us at help@topleft.team.